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Avoiding The Mistakes with Adsense

Do not think that is so exciting, with many publishers AdSense, all for the creation of hundreds of sites that have absolutely no idea of customers? The first rule for creating and maintaining a successful enterprise is a thorough knowledge of customer . Do not think that is so exciting, with many publishers AdSense, all for the creation of hundreds of sites that have absolutely no idea of customers? The first rule for creating and maintaining a successful enterprise is a thorough knowledge of customer .

We will return the piece and look at another angle. Google does not have to pay for clicks on your site, the promoter of AdWords is to separate the money from you. The reason why is advertising to sell a product or service or to drive people to the site for subscription or whatever reason. We do so to gain a trade advantage.

The question here is: You are giving an advantage or you are simply the cost of money?

Have you heard "~ Adsense is dead" or "~ there is little money to be made from Adsense, as in the past." Most of the AdSense publishers believe that should be put in place a little more sites will make up for lost income. Dead Wrong.

The reason for the declining revenue comes from AdSense ads on targeted sites. Most people love to place blame at the dawn of Google, but this is not the case. The problem lies in the publication of thousands of sites for the production only clicks, therefore, optimized for the search engine and does not give a second thought to advertising AdWords.

The result of the abuse of Adsense is obvious. In the most recent information products AdWords one of the first warnings you have been given during the AdWords ads is to remove the link to advertise the network. The reason is simple: ads appearing on pages bad leading to bad customers. It is a waste of money advertising and direct loss of revenue for publishers AdSense. All serious AdWords advertisers are not advertising on the network, resulting in less competition. The cost per click on a page of content is much less than the cost for a general search page.

AdWords and AdSense will never die and is and will remain one of the better incomes for many internet marketing.

And now? The answer lies in improving the quality websites with content. Playing with the search engine not against it. If you want to compete with a search engine to create your own. Not impossible, Google has done and achieved.

What is improving?

The key words are optimizing must relate to the content of your Web pages and add value to the visitor. That does not mean that we should write a word a thousand pages with yours. One to two hundred words per page will be fine, enough to answer the question or part of the question that visitors seeking the investigation period. From there on the page can lead to ads AdSense, with a click on the link will be targeted visitor to the advertiser.

There is no need to write each page, you can always use DPP content and articles on websites you make sure that the main question that the visitor will have when searching for the word answer and display the following more specific information through the AdSense ads.

Imagine the joy their faces when they receive a five-check the number Adsense, and I think the joy you put on the face of AdWords advertisers also receive a five-day number of payment?

Once your site properly implemented, there are some things we need to pay attention. The truth about AdSense placement, there is something to it. For CTR high placement of your ad must be highly optimized.

I found myself test various methods of disposal Adsense. A training course for all does not work. In some pages, will be higher and others would be lower.

It all depends on the content of the page and the question you should ask yourself at this point is the content of the visitor is more likely to want more detailed information. If you write your content, you have to write so that you give information, then raised the curiosity and is at this point, where your ad will appear for the first time. Using this method, and maintaining focus on the content of your site, you will see the number of clicks and AdWords advertisers will receive targeted visitors he wants.

You are beginning to see how important it is to get the content and ads for the moment, let me ask you this: You are one of the publishers AdSense costing money or advertiser - you actually what advertisers help them win money?


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